Friday, September 7, 2012

Migration begins

On tonight's walk we went and checked on our flock. Here are the girls with their babies.

The pond where we heard coyotes and a bird that sounded like a man laughing, yeh, he-he-he.

The sunset brought out the mauves and pinks in the tree stems.

In the sky we saw the first huge flocks of geese flying south.

 The road home.


Marko@Northland said...

Nice pictures. It's warmer here in Ontario and too dry but the birds are heading south as well

Suja said...

Your home is so beautiful. I love the photos of your property and animals. I saw a "V" of geese flying south a couple of days ago here in Haliburton, but I thought, nah, it's way too early. Maybe not. Maybe they know winter's coming! In the meanwhile, let's all enjoy the best month of the year.