Here is a quote from Chapter 3 of the book I referred to in my last post:
"To learn more about them, Kajander had to find a good medium where nanobacteria could be cultured. Being strapped for funds, he tried the cheapest serum. This led to another discovery. When he compared the cheapest serum with the most expensive, he found more nanobacteria as contaminants in the cheap serum. The lower-cost product turned out to be a better source.
"That source was fetal bovine serum from the United Kingdom, where fears over mad cow disease (also known as "BSE") had rendered the serum suspect, hence very inexpensive.
"The British serum was full of nanobacteria. This discovery meant that fetal bovine serum from the United Kingdom was heavily contaminated. By extension, it suggested that serum used for developing vaccines was also contaminated."
We used to talk about the connection between vaccinations and cancer in our dogs in the dog parks (those of us interested in new medical procedures and holistic treatments). It has been noticed even by the medical community that dogs who are frequently vaccinated, some would even say "over vaccinated" tend to develop cancer more easily than dogs who are not.
The fact that contaminated serums have been used to create vaccines would explain this phenomena, since there is a connection between nanobacteria and cancer.
The way I understand the function of nanobacteria is this:
-nanobacteria exist in blood and tissue, feeding from live cells.
-when stressed, or the population increases to form a colony, they develop a calcium phosphate shell -- calcium phosphate makes up our bone mass and is very hard
-antibodies cannot destroy the bacteria when they are housed in this apatite shell
-the body responds by creating inflammation and soft tissue around the colony to protect itself
-this leads to atherosclerosis if the colony is located in a blood vessel, or to tissue diseases such as cancer if located in tissue
-colonies of nanobacteria can exist anywhere in the body
The scientific evidence seems indisputable, and this discovery explains so many mysteries, for example the link between heart disease and dental plaque or gingivitis, or why some people get kidney stones and others do not, and often kidney stones recur after treatment, and why heart disease and breast and ovarian cancer are becoming far more prevalent.
It's a fascinating read of current scientific discoveries -- I think this is one of the most significant discoveries in biology and pathology.
Kayander is from Finland, and his co-worker is a microbiologist from Turkey (her name is Dr Neva Ciftcioglu). They seem to be working without much grant money -- they had to fund some years of research with their savings. This makes you wonder where your donations for research go .... but that's another topic.
Anyway, I'm only at Chapter 4, and there's much more to come.
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