Sunday, April 6, 2008

April is Poetry Month

Because April is Poetry Month, here are two poems I wrote a while back in my sonnet phase.


Just as the Sun takes umbrage with the day
And falls toward her lover, Night, so I
Do fly to you. When occupations weigh
This soul with ritual earth, and enemies
Of flight predate with routine avarice
These errant wings until they seem too bound
And torn to rise above the artifice
Of crumbling ambition, I gather round
My thoughts of you like little stars and rise
Into the face of heaven. There I dream
Your luminous face, beautiful and wise
In constellations for the earth to see
And envy, that I possess with Night
All beauty on earth and all heaven's light.

Love Sonnet 11

If you would press your lips against my heart
Against the soft symmetry of time, if
You would caress it, your absent mouth part
Its rhythms into hours, and stretch the stiff
Monotony of days into nights deep
And yielding, if you would blow its glowing
Blood into ashes, into that thick sleep
Beyond desire and slow patient knowing
Of another, if you would save me from
My heart and the liquidity of time
Melting me away from you, I could summon
An infinity of mornings, long in
Love, a perpetual spring of desire
Between your flesh and my heart's liquid fire.

Copyright held by me.

1 comment:

M D said...

Still as powerful as ever, Love Sonnet is beautiful Roberta!