What's a girl and boy to do on a wintery morning? Why, nap of course!
We've got the fire lit, the beds are cozy, there's music playing somewhere, the canaries and budgies are singing, there's a skiff of snow on the hills from last night -- let's get comfy and fill the air with ZZZZZZs.
I've ordered some trees and bulbs from www.ttseeds.com . I ordered Green Giant poplars a few years ago and had great results, so I'm going to try the Chief Okanese and Tower poplars, in addition to more Green Giants. Whereas one tree in a city yard is overwhelmingly visible, one tree on 120 acres disappears, thus many trees must be/can be planted. I've probably planted over 200 trees since I've moved here 6 years ago. Many were claimed by drought in the first 3 years though. I have about 18 acres of boreal forest here, 3 in the front near the house, and the rest out in the northwest pasture. That's our park where the dogs and I walk.
We have a magpie nursery right outside this window, and judging by their chattering they are seriously dating in preparation for nesting. There are probably 6 couples in the little wood that is the west side of my front yard. You can tell where the foxes, coyotes and owls are by the chatter of a magpie. The dogs have learned this, and are always eager to find the birds that will lead them to more interesting hunters.
But we are resting now.
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