Today we are enjoying being inside. Here is Kylie and Miranda trying to share the "extra large dog bed" in front of the fire.
I spent a little time outside with the yard animals -- I checked on the llamas, who seem relatively comfortable in their heavy coats. And I gave the horses their daily oats and molasses ration, even increasing it since the extra sugar helps keep them warm. I also tried to pry out the iceballs that have accumulated inside their

I'm glad to report that the water in the house has not frozen this year -- by this time last year it had frozen 5 times! My good luck this year is in part due to the way I insulated the water pipes this time, in addition to putting an extra layer of wood on the outside of the house in front of the pipes to prevent the wind from blowing the arctic under the house. As well, I've let the furnace in the barn run to prevent the water freezing from the well. Last year I was trying to be all efficient and eco-conscious and frugal, and set it to the lowest setting. This year, the thermostat is set to "O" but it starts to come on anyway, and according to my mercury thermometer it's maintaining a very warm 50 degrees, so I've let it remain, even though it's a little high to make the greenhouse gas people happy.
I've finished my brown cotton "viking" sweater. I wore it last night and got lots of unsolicited compliments. Even some twenty-somethings who wanted one. I've started a new pair of socks, this time out of an alpaca superwash, and a new cardigan from some Stacy Charles "Aura" I ordered from Elann last month. On the socks, I'm doing the toe-up style as always, but this time I'm doing 1x1 rib on the sole, and plain on the top. It makes the bottom extra cushy and gives a nice hug to the sock.
Friday night I made a chicken tajine for supper. Maybe not authentic Moroccan style since I made it up, but still delicious:
Brown 3 chicken breasts in a cast iron dutch oven (this is my way, obviously if you were Moroccan or trying to be you'd use a tajine)
Then add
one large can of diced tomatoes (mine were Unico "Italian Flavor" I noticed after opening)
a large tbsp of turmeric
two or three chopped cloves of garlic
about 1 1/2 tbsp of ginger
some salt
about a tsp of cinnamon
a handful of sliced almonds (or pine nuts)
about 3/4 cup of raisins
a tbsp of brown sugar
Stir it up a little and flip the chicken breasts so they nestle under the liquids. Add a little water if the liquid doesn't cover the meat.
Bake it covered for about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours at 325 F.
Serve with couscous, or as I did, with white & wild rice cooked in orange juice and water. The chicken is so tender and the flavours are amazing. The almonds give it a crunchy texture. Yum!
We're going to cozy up to the fire now and do some reading. Here's Cricket and Mister on the day, I mean DOG bed.
Stay warm wherever you are!