We have a saying here when winter seems on the wane, we say that winter's back is broken. I do not think the spine of winter has withered yet -- it's still strong and is preparing for another blow. It has been overcast all day and the temperatures are up now to minus 5. We have lit the fire in the woodstove and made some coffee and laid out the dog bed in front of the fire where Miranda can warm her bones.
I've finished my work for the day, there is plenty of birch in the house for the stove, we can hear it crackling and sizzling as the fire chews on the bark. The smell of woodsmoke is sometimes so fragrant -- we have saskatoon bushes and willows by the house, some of which have died standing, and occasionally I cut them down with a camping saw and burn them -- they smell like sandalwood and cinnamon. One of the pleasures of life, to hear the fire crackle and to smell the earthy smoke of sleeping summer.
Miranda has the best seat by the fire -- she's the eldest brindle mastiff; Cricket has the sofa; Kylie, our new gorgeous young lady, has the daybed in the library near the fire. I have the captain's chair and woodbox for my desk. Sounds like the Friendly Giant, doesn't it?
I'll turn to knitting soon, here comes my internet companion, Teddy Bearpaw, the singular 23 year old orange tabby, to help post this.
Have a wonderful evening wherever you are, and enjoy your companions' company.
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